22 Amazing Facts About The Cactus

A cactus is a truly beautiful and unique plant. Want to see one? You don’t need to go far. You’ll find a cactus in almost every major continent, most especially in North and South America. Certain types of cacti grow in Africa and Southeast Asia as well. Cactus facts to take note of when you travel.


1. Cactus is a perennial plant, a plant that lives for more than two years.

2. Cacti can live for more than two years even without a drop of water.

3. The colors of cacti can be green, brown-green or blueish. On a surface, cactus produces a waxy substance, which prevents loss of water via transpiration (evaporating of the water through small holes during high-temperature periods).

4. Cacti life circle lasts from 15 to 300 years, depending on the species.

5. Instead of leaves, cacti have spines. They can be soft or rigid, curved or straight, scattered or somewhat arranged. Spines can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) long.

6. There are around 2,000 species of cactus.

7. There are around 90 species of Opuntia cacti in the United States. Opuntia cacti is the scientific name for prickly pear cactus.

8. Cacti can survive in areas of low rainfall and poor soil. This is because most cacti do not have leaves, most have spines or scales. Unlike the regular leaves, their spines or scales do not lose water through evaporation. 

9. Cacti can use their spines to protect them from predators.

10. Each spine grows from the areole. Areoles are bumps or nipple-like structures on the surface of the cactus.

11. Cactus spines are used in the production of the hooks, needles, and combs. Some cacti even can be used as food.

12. Bees, butterflies, moths, bats, and hummingbirds are the main pollinators of the cacti.

13. Some cacti produce mescaline. This is a substance with a hallucinogenic effect. In the natural habitat of South and Norths America, mescaline has been used by shamans to induce a trans-like state of mind and allow “communicating with God”.

14. You can safely drink water from the cactus. However, it has a higher density than regular, tap water.

15. The plural word for cactus is cacti.

16. The saguaro cactus is the largest cactus in the United States. The tallest saguaro cactus ever was over 78 feet tall.

17. Cacti were even around before the dinosaurs.

18. The largest specimens were previously used as gramophone needles.

19. Parts of the cacti can become woody over time. Column cacti in particular form large woody segments. This cactus wood has many advantages: It has no knotholes, it grew very straight. Due to its fiber structure, which is interspersed with cavities, it is flexible and yet very stable. Furniture from this wood has only been made in Latin America so far. 

20. Some cacti will flower and when they do, they are very beautiful!  The flowers on a cactus can be a variety of colors including white, pink, yellow, red, orange and blue!  It is true that certain cacti flowers will bloom for only one night.  Other cacti flowers will bloom for weeks.  Many cacti flowers are actually nocturnal, meaning that they only bloom at night. 

21. Cacti produce an irresistibly sweet nectar which attract ants.  The ants then become like little soldiers to the cacti, aiding and protecting the plant.  Ants assist the cactus plant by attacking small harmful critters that are able to pass easily through the spines of a cactus.  They also fight off bacteria and fungi that might end up hurting the plant. 

22. No fossils of cacti have yet to be discovered by archeologists. Estimates of when cacti evolved range between 5 million years ago and 145 million years ago. For now, it’s all theory as to when cacti first appeared on our planet.


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